Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Hope

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Devotionals on Hope

Find faithful friends who will carry you to Jesus when you are too weak to get there yourself. Such bold faith gets the attention of Jesus!

All the fullness of God is within us today because we are full-fledged citizens in His eternal kingdom.

Terry Meeuwsen, co-host of The 700 Club, uses heroes of our faith to show us how to cope with loneliness.

God looked down from heaven and saw a husband’s wickedness and his wife’s suffering. God did not have to step in—but He did.

Moaning and imagining the worst can’t really motivate your spirit or inspire thoughts of a bright future.

We usually associate Advent with Christmas and the coming of the Christ child. Our lives have advents too.

There is a difference between natural hope and spiritual hope.

Strand by strand, these little web-slingers work diligently even though we never see it. It’s no wonder they are part of God’s creation.

We have tools that can push away negative emotions.

When life doesn’t go as planned, hope helps us regain our footing and our faith.


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