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Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Jesus

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Devotionals on Jesus

The best way to understand the real meaning of Easter would be from Jesus. It can be summed up in His three words ... the new covenant. It's easy to...

Faith is the opposite of logic. In all the Bible stories where there was great faith, logic was disproved.

Every time I ventured out to feed my little herd of kitties, I’d get ambushed by a mob of bellowing hungry balls of fur. 

You choose the distance or closeness you will have with the Lord. He's as close as you want Him to be. With faith, comes the gift of intentionality....

Who do we surround ourselves with, and why? Do we give our trust to critical people who focus on who we have been, rather than who we are becoming?...

Don't expect carrying out God's will to be easy. Trials and temptations still enter the lives of those who believe Jesus Christ died for their sins...

We all desire to feel special, in one way or another, to feel set apart, to feel seen and known. We can easily look for this confirmation in other...

Every day of our lives is fueled by decisions and choices that can often feel overwhelming. The weight of our actions and dreams can start to...

Have you ever gone on a road trip with your family? Someone inevitably asked the question, “Are we there yet?” during the long drive. Perhaps it was...

Have you ever experienced a miracle in your life? Those moments when the seemingly impossible becomes a reality, when divine intervention defies...


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