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Devotionals on Jesus

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Devotionals on Jesus

The best way to understand the real meaning of Easter would be from Jesus. It can be summed up in His three words ... the new covenant. It's easy to...

Faith is the opposite of logic. In all the Bible stories where there was great faith, logic was disproved.

Every time I ventured out to feed my little herd of kitties, I’d get ambushed by a mob of bellowing hungry balls of fur. 

A visit to Europe might seem incomplete without a trip to at least one castle. As a man with a fond interest in all things medieval since childhood,...

What if the biggest mess you've ever faced turned into a great blessing? In this devotion, the author shares a story about her new home, which came...

Philippians 2:5 focuses on how Jesus Himself would behave in the world rather than just asking what He would do. He knew what His future held but He...

The splendor of God’s creation could be seen in each slight variation, as the distinct red shades of crimson, scarlet, and burgundy radiated in the...

Pride often masquerades as strength, but it is a dangerous trap leading to a downward spiral of sin. This devotion explores how pride blinds us to...

While Peter may get most of the attention, what if Andrew had failed to bring his brother to the Lord? How different history might have been! Who was...

The enemy thought he got the win when he manipulated Adam and Eve into sin and caused the downfall of mankind. So many times, circumstances and...


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