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Devotionals on Life transformation

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Devotionals on Life transformation

Have you ever tried making homemade bread, or really any baking for that matter? Important steps and ingredients are required to make the baked item...

Freedom is a privilege that we can easily take for granted. It's something others fight for, on our behalf. Military families sacrifice in ways the...

Step into the sacred realm of this devotional, where the journey of grief unfolds before your eyes. Amidst the silence, solitude, and desolation,...

In this devotional, you'll read a mother's profound realization as she engages in creative activities with her children. Even while crafting homemade...

Change can be scary or lead to thoughts of anxiety, but today's author reminds us that God is in the change. He's working and moving. Even in the...

In a world where many people may have misconceptions about Christianity, this devotion invites readers to reconsider the true message of Jesus. It...

If you've ever refrained from putting a Christian bumper sticker on your car because you fear you wouldn't live up to its message, you are not alone...

Many of us share a love for food and the pleasures it brings. Discovering your favorites may be harmful to your health provides the heartbeat of this...

This devotional isn't just a personal story; it's a candid look at human imperfection alongside biblical perspective and the transformative power...

No excuses for not knowing God! He's evident in everything around us. From the powerful to the gentle, creation reveals His character. Whether it's...


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