Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Love

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Devotionals on Love

Evil exists. We are broken, and we live in a fallen world. People have experienced horrible atrocities.  And yet, Jesus clearly tells us we must...

Solomon poured out his love to God by bringing his top quality lambs multiplied many times over as his sacrificial offering. In his wisdom, Solomon...

We are like the pilgrims and this world is not our final destination. Let's be thankful for God's love!

The Bible tells us that the anger of man doesn't achieve the righteousness of God. What is the godly way to handle our anger?

As Jesus sacrificed for our forgiveness, we sacrifice pride and judgment to grant mercy to others.

Enduring love holds on through hardship and refuses to give in. That's the magnificent kind of love God has for us.

If you want to become fully mature in the Lord, you must learn to love truth. 

Sometimes God's love for us is a mystery to me. I know my inadequacies and shortcomings. I also know that God loves me in spite of them.

When the Holy Spirit fills our heart by faith—He flushes out sin and leaves room only for the fruit of the Spirit. Only a heart guarded by God can...

Jesus spent time with smelly, unappealing people who he encountered every day. He talked with them, ate with them, touched them and genuinely cared...


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