Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Pride

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Devotionals on Pride

For some of us, admitting any kind of need is difficult because we’re too invested in having it all together, or at least looking like it....

Many are familiar Samson and Delilah's story, but was it really Samson’s hair that made him strong? Discover more about this famous Bible story and...

Today is Ash Wednesday, a day many begin a fast in honor of the season that will lead us to Easter Sunday. It's also a time to admit we are sinners...

What would cause God to be opposed to us? But He gives a greater grace. Therefore it says, “GOD IS OPPOSED TO THE PROUD, BUT GIVES GRACE TO THE...

Pride often masquerades as strength, but it is a dangerous trap leading to a downward spiral of sin. This devotion explores how pride blinds us to...

When someone would hint at taking away what I feel is my liberty, there is a side of me that wants to fight for my right, proving the correctness of...

Do you ever experience an ardent struggle for control? Despite your belief that God has ultimate control over your life, do you sometimes find...

In a world where many people may have misconceptions about Christianity, this devotion invites readers to reconsider the true message of Jesus. It...

Apostle Paul wasn't perfect. He knew that acknowledging his weaknesses would bring more glory to God as others saw the signs God worked through him....

The world would say that it's best to strive to become the smartest, hardest working, and most accomplished individual possible. So, when you become...


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