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Devotionals on Repentance

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Devotionals on Repentance

Can you imagine being just eight years old and being made king? That is exactly what happened to Josiah in 2 Chronicles. Through a journey of...

Discover the key to revival and uncover the importance of repentance. Invite the refreshing presence of the Lord and find hope, strength, and wisdom...

Let’s not miss out on anything God has for us. Since all of His promises to us are "Yes" and "Amen," let’s believe every single one of them.

You've got to start somewhere — even in your walk with Jesus Christ.

Every October, many Americans are bewitched by Halloween. They dress their kids like cute little witches, devils and goblins, but there’s really...

You've confessed your sin and error and asked God to forgive you. So, what can you do to stop feeling guilty over it?

The choices we make, ultimately determine whether we walk in peace or discord. Each choice positively or negatively affects us not only individually...

Wow! God knew the perfect time for me to arrive at the church.

We will stumble and fall sometimes, but let us fall into the hands of a loving and restoring God.

How can you know God is on your side?


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