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Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Temptation

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Devotionals on Temptation

Not everyone will understand your choices, until they meet the One your soul loves.

Temptation often ends with sin and its consequences. Fortunately, we can avoid giving into harmful desires.

We can take heart that Paul struggled as we do, and was honest enough to write down the crazy game that plays out in our minds, hearts, and actions.

Despair and discouragement can lead us to places we don't belong. 

Regret that comes from poor choices has many faces — sorrow, misery, distress, and heartache — but the choice God offers brings great blessings.

How are our souls cleansed from the grime that comes from daily life?

David knew God’s law. He was familiar with God’s instruction about vengeance. It belonged to God alone.

In between the clanging mumble of moments we call life, it helps to remember that the still, quiet voice of God is best heard in solitude.

Know who you are and whose you are.

Jesus gave His children five "Me” verses that reveal how to live “the simplicity in Christ.”


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