Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Wisdom

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Devotionals on Wisdom

We all can struggle with turning to physical voices in our lives before seeking the wisdom of the Lord. Maybe you're grieving today, processing a big...

Scripture tells us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. When we stay focused on the struggle, temptation, or pain, it can seem daunting...

It is easy to live a life focused on pleasing others. However, this never satisfies. Often, we push pleasing God aside because of an incorrect view...

Appreciate the majestic splendor of God's creation, where every sunrise speaks of His promises and His unwavering love. This author provides you with...

As you delve into God's Word, you unearth His character, His nature, and His design for your life. Psalm 103 speaks of His compassion and...

In a world rife with deception, can we still hear God's voice? The resounding answer is "Yes!" Be guided by Psalm 34:8. Like David, who tasted God's...

We secure our homes, build fences, and buy alarms for our cars and homes, as we should, but even with every precaution taken, our safety is utterly...

When we don’t understand what is going on around us, we may wonder why God allows our circumstances to get so uncomfortable, feel life's unfair, and...

Which way do we go? It seems like we’re always asking that question about the next big decision in life. But before we decide, we need to ask another...

Join this author on a light-hearted journey through the trials and triumphs of home economics. Enjoy her humor as she reflects on her particular...


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