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Devotionals on Wisdom

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Devotionals on Wisdom

Are you tired of following your heart only to end up in pain and disappointment? We need God’s Spirit to give us life-giving direction for our...

Learn the true essence of Pentecost: a feast of fellowship with God. As fire consumed the sacrifices in ancient times, tongues of fire descended on...

Have you ever wondered why God wanted so many details included in Scripture? Whether it's lists, numbers, or small details to set a scene. Our Father...

The world often advises us to follow our hearts and go with whatever feels right in the moment. However, this is not necessarily a good thing, as the...

Exodus 20:8 says we are to remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy. So, what does it mean to keep the day holy, and how does it connect to the 10...

Do you feel discouraged or inadequate, in your current season or situation? We all need wisdom. We need understanding. We need discernment. We need...

We're in a spiritual battle every day of our lives. As you read this devotion, you'll sense the strategy one must use to properly defend their...

Do you get caught in the cycle of thinking of things you’ve done wrong? This can become the trap of legalism. Instead, fall forward into grace. How...

Be inspired by reading this devotion about the faith of a family living their days serving and loving others. Even in the midst of hardship and...

God often uses our journey as parents raising children to reach us in His own way. The lessons we have to teach our little ones are the ones He often...


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