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Devotionals on Wisdom

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Devotionals on Wisdom

Delve into the captivating story of King Cyrus and the Temple's reconstruction, where God stirred hearts to fulfill His prophecy. Prepare to consider...

Drawing inspiration from the biblical accounts of Amaziah, Uzziah, and Jotham, we learn the profound impact of walking steadfastly before the Lord....

Have you ever felt ignored, rejected, or even hated for speaking your truth? Take heart, for you're following in the footsteps of a great example....

What holds you back in life? From scars to fears, explore how your limitations can be shattered by the limitless power of faith. Do you know the...

Experience the joy and hope of Jesus' resurrection through the captivating story of two disciples on the road to Emmaus. In this powerful passage...

What can we learn about God while watching TV gameshows? The author notices a connection between a super smart gameshow contestant and the wisest man...

It's supernatural to love those who hate you and converse in love with those who strongly disagree. We need the Holy Spirit's help.

We can protect ourselves from false doctrine by comparing what we hear to the whole counsel of the Bible.

The idea of guarding something is defensive in nature, but sometimes the best defense is a good offense. Check out this down-home strategy to...

God invites us to come to Him for His wisdom in difficult situations with others.


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