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Spiritual Life

Devotionals on change

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Devotionals on change

Running on autopilot can be dangerous. We can miss so much.

As a child, I hid peas in dinner napkins or even under my tongue. I still hate them. I wish they'd never been on my plate.

No matter who, what, when, where, or how our path changes, God will already be working for our good if we love him and seek to follow the calling to...

King Jehoshaphat’s prayer can guide our days of social distancing in a pandemic.

Our God is very capable of bringing complete restoration in our lives just as He raised Lazarus from the dead.

People who know me now would have a hard time believing who I once was.

Stake claim over those troublemaking areas in your life.

Don’t waste away during this season of quarantine. 

As millions cry for God's attention, power, and mercy this Easter, will he hear my prayer?

We long for the old days, the simple, safe and secure days of our world; but those days and that world are gone.


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