Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on change

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Devotionals on change

Many of us are uncomfortable with change and it's the one thing we all face.

How to stop sabotaging your own spiritual maturity process. 

Recognize the opportunities to use God's power to influence our world.

Each testimony of God's faithfulness in your past serves as a promise of His continued faithfulness in your future.

Make sure your prayer request doesn’t become an idol. Focus on God rather than the request.

Sometimes when you make a decision to move forward you need to burn all ships of retreat.

Sometimes we find ourselves holding on to our selfish dreams and desires when God is showing us it’s time to lay them at His feet, let go and move...

The same people who shouted "Hosanna in the Highest" were later crying out for Jesus Christ's crucifixion. Perhaps we are no different than...

My plan was to trim the tree and decorate the house in an orderly, logical manner, one step at a time. My impulsive children, however, had different...

Four steps to get rid of uninvited and unwelcome negative traits in our lives.


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