Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on fear

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Devotionals on fear

Don't let fear, intimidation, doubt, lack of finances, etc., dictate to you that you can't fulfill your dream. 

On the Big Island of Hawaii I once learned that spiritual attacks at night could be an indication of whether we fear God or man.

If we stop for a moment, closing our eyes tightly, we can all look back to a time when we had no worries and no cares. Were we only oblivious to the...

When we hand over all control to Him, we can walk away with the peace of knowing that God is in control of our situation.

Once there was a lion who prowled around trying to make people afraid. If he made his prey cower down, he had found, he had to never miss a meal.

This morning I rounded the corner of a new neighborhood walking the dogs. A little girl wearing a pink bike helmet walked a small pink bicycle. Her...

In Proverbs 28:1, the Holy Spirit says that the righteous are as bold as a lion. To the degree that you are established in Christ’s righteousness,...

Israeli spies gave a report of the land they were to inherit - it was filled with giants. The people were fearful and had no confidence in their...

We live in a world where the reader of a daily newspaper is given more knowledge in a week than a man living in the 18th century would have garnered...

Mary was focused on the tomb, looking in the wrong direction. She was focused on sorrow and death, so she couldn’t see hope and life; the same way we...


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