Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on spiritual warfare

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Devotionals on spiritual warfare

Since the Bible says other people aren't to blame for our struggles, then who is?

Wield your spiritual sword and fight the enemy of your soul, mind, and heart.

David knew God’s law. He was familiar with God’s instruction about vengeance. It belonged to God alone.

We are in a tug of war every day. The war is with our hearts. 

As you refocus your attention away from the problem and focus on the Problem Solver, you can remain confident that He is your fortress and your...

It may be an odd analogy, but Jesus compared believers to salt for a reason.

Satan fears those who truly grasp hold of God’s Word and begin using it to their advantage.

His feet bleeding from open blisters, his hands and legs cramping, a young man reached the end of a three-day, 65-mile march.

It is not good enough to merely sit in church, sing the right songs, memorize Scripture, wear the right clothes, and know all the Holy Spirit catch-...

Know if you are listening to the wrong voices and learn to listen to the truth of God's voice.


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