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Spiritual Life

Devotionals on spiritual warfare

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Devotionals on spiritual warfare

Unwitting curiosity can unearth dark thoughts better left fallow.

God's not trying to fence anyone in — it is the enemy.

When I get discouraged, I just want to enjoy a dull, mindless day blanketed in self-pity — this becomes my to-do list.

The Lord could be saying, “I need strong voices in these sinful times through whom I can speak. Where are you when I need a voice?"

I believed God loved others, but I simply could not believe He loved me.

Understanding our true identity in Christ is essential for victorious living.

God’s body of believers must stop listening to negative voices of this world and turn our ears toward heaven.

No matter what the enemy is yelling across the battlefield, our hope is in God. We will go forth in praise to meet our foe.

If Jehovah Nissi is leading the way in your struggle, then you are assured success, but if you are fighting your battle in your own strength, your...

Small sins, if left unchecked, will eventually leave gaping holes in our souls. If we don’t check and recheck the seal around our hearts, rottenness...


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