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Devotionals on spiritual warfare

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Devotionals on spiritual warfare

Restoring love, joy, and peace to your home after holiday houseguests leave.

Of all the things that could stop a move of God in your life, unbelief must be at the top of the list.

The Bible would not have told us to take up the whole armor of God in order to withstand evil if evil could have been withstood without doing that.

After my initial conversion to Christianity, it didn't take long for me to realize an inner war had been declared and my mind was where the heaviest...

Some days our prayers flow, while other days our to-do list or worries sabotage our thoughts and distract from our prayer time. How can we stay...

It’s time for warfare on a spiritual level. 

Are you desperate for a glimmer of hope in a world that seems to be falling apart? In Psalms 23 we find assurance the Lord never leaves us....

Satan, after rebelling against God and being thrown out of heaven, chose the serpent as his disguise. 

While hiking on a trail lined by granite boulders, a welcome habitat for warmth-seeking snakes, I wasn't thinking about the legless reptiles, though...

God will show you how to resist the devil. Spend time in God's presence, and do whatever He tells you to do!


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