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Videos on Health

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Videos on Health

Pat and Kristy answers questions about Health, nutrition, stress/weight gain, motion sickness and fitness.

With his father in Iraq and his mother moving in with her boyfriend, 2-year-old Alex was abused so badly that he was nearly dead when his...

Jim Karas will discuss fitness and how a positive change in our habits can translate into weight loss and more energy.

Dr. Chauncey Crandall says fasting, which is a period of abstinence from all food or specific items, is actually beneficial to the body.

Can flossing really help your cardiovascular health?

The FOX News Radio anchor tells how he went from 300 pounds and a bad heart to 150 pounds and good health.

Tim Michaels discusses fitness and exercise for kids. He is the author of “Super Healthy Kingdom Kids”.

How Can I control My Appetite? How Can I Exercise at Home? Pat answers these questions and more.

The "Today Show" nutrition and diet expert discusses how to achieve permanent weight loss by building new eating habits.

Champion bodybuilder Dave Hawk works with Kristi Watts to demonstrate resistance moves you can do with exercise bands.


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