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Videos on Health

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Videos on Health

I want to maximize my workout on the treadmill. Should I increase the time or increase the incline? Pat Robertson answers this question and more.

The founder of Body by Jake discusses his work to get American kids fit so they can overcome obesity and stay healthy.

What are some things I can do to lower my bad cholesterol? Pat Robertson answers this question and more.

Dr. Ian Smith, diet expert on VH1's "Celebrity Fit Club," discusses how to keep the weight off by changing your daily eating habits.

I have heard there are good bacteria in yogurt that can be good for your body. What are they and how are they beneficial?

I have tried to quit smoking but haven't been able to. How can I break this addiction? Pat Robertson answers this question and more.

Chantel lost 200 pounds; now this wife and mother of four helps others live a healthy lifestyle.

The orthopaedic surgeon talks about fitness in mid-life and beyond.

Dr. Jim Sears is a family man, pediatrician and host of the Emmy-winning talk show, The Doctors. We sat down with Dr. Jim to find out some tips on...

After a strenuous workout, he had a bulged disc. Then, after a word of knowledge, the pain was gone!


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