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Videos on Jesus

Believing he was the next level of human evolution, David didn’t need to follow normal social behavior. This led him to attack his father with a...

Kamal’s arranged marriage resulted in 11 years of physical and emotional abuse. After her husband tried to take their four kids away, Kamal risked...

Cut from the NFL and bankrupt, Greg Scott found purpose in helping others eat.

Superbook and Gizmo are visiting grade schools in Thailand and teaching kids about Jesus.

Looking around, it's easy to think modesty is dead. Everywhere we look images tell us less is more. So, how much skin can a girl show before it's a...

Running from pain and disappointment only intensified Michelle’s downward spiral that began in her late teens. But after the heartbreak, Jesus was...

Le invitamos a conocer la labor que desarrollan los perritos del departamento canino de la Policía Antidrogas en Perú, además del interesante trabajo...

Maryland official Robin Bartlett Frazier says there's a war on religious liberty. in her first extensive TV interview, she shares why she was willing...

Stephen declared he would never worship any God outside of his Hindu gods. Then one night as he prayed for healing, he encountered Jesus.

Johnny got curious about God while serving time for gang crimes. Upon his releases, he sought out a Christian friend and attended a life-changing...


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