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Videos on Jesus

Julianne was in a tailspin in the aftermath of her older brother’s suicide. She began to cut herself and soon became suicidal until the message at a...

Dr. Greg Viehman set out to prove that that Christianity was flawed, but after thorough research he found the truth of the gospel to be undeniable.

When Neil’s family relocated to the Bronx from Jamaica, he indulged in the party scene. In desperation, his mother sent him back to Jamaica to finish...

With no belief in any God, Guillaume pursued whatever made him happy in life. Then he fell in love with a Christian girl and he set out to disprove...

Alphorns felt neglected as a child. He started drinking and smoking weed and had no ambition. Then he was caught in the cross-fire of a shoot out...

After his father left the family, Veasna found structure and acceptance in the gang life of San Francisco. It didn’t take long for the negatives of...

Algunos parecen haber nacido para sufrir, el dolor se convierte en una constante en sus vida. Escapando del maltrato que sufren en sus hogares se...

When Gary was 45 and pastoring a church, suppressed memories of decades-old sexual abuse began to surface. Once he faced the realization of these...

A near death experience set 19-year-old Mike on a spiritual journey through eastern religions, but one day Mike decided to learn more about Jesus,...

Shannon Prakash shares her journey with Christ and why she likes praying for people. .


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