Displaying 11441 - 11456 of 12863

On today's 700 Club we hear about Jonathan and Crystal facing huge medical bills with no insurance, they discover a plan which helped in more ways...

Is it wrong to use egg implantation to get pregnant? Can cold weather influence blood pressure? Is eating apples daily good for my health?

Maribel Boone suffered from horrendous migraines. Could the Lord heal her from such a persistent pain?

Mike Weaver is the lead singer of the Big Daddy Weave band. He and his wife will discuss the benefits of praying together as a couple.

Marianne Cook had suffered a massive stroke and doctors held no hope for her at all. But her mother just prayed.

He came to Christ after a car accident changed his life. See his amazing testimony of God's restoration power.

In part two of his interview, Pat Robertson talks about his new biography. SQuire Rushnell and Louise DuArt have exciting news. Plus, CBN News...

Dale Hurd reports on the dangers of universal healthcare. Also, Dr. Asa talks about breaking weight loss plateaus and Pat takes your email questions...

CBN Major Donors Stephen and Rosalba Schimmel discuss the supernatural events surrounding his conversion. Also, a couple wrestles with hoop dreams...

Lee Webb interviews Pat Robertson and David Harrell about the role of faith in Pat's family and business ventures.

America's Health and Lifestyle Coach discusses how to break through weight loss plateaus and gets on the mini-trampoline.

Today, we have an exciting two-part series about life and salvation on death row. Also, CBN News reports on Syria’s important role in the Middle East...

Authors SQuire Rushnell and Louise DuArt talk about the revival weekend that hopes to spark a spiritual awakening.

Jesse Duplantis discuses how God will do amazing things for anyone who believes and follows Him. He is the author of “The Everyday Visionary”.

Is there a cure for jealousy and insecurity? Are we in the “New World Order”? Why does my husband help others and not us?

My sister-in-laws are bad examples for my kids. How can we get on board with the new revival? How do I believe God for a husband?


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