Christian Living

Spiritual Life


When I think about a spiritual revival, my mind goes back to the days when it meant a traveling evangelist came to town, set up a large tent, covered the ground in sawdust, and posted flyers on telephone poles. For the most part, that has become an event relegated to a bygone era, uncommon in this day and time.

Revivals moved into church buildings and for a couple of weeks, people received a fresh gospel message and an opportunity to renew their faith and their excitement for God. Eventually, two weeks became one until now most church “Revivals” run from Sunday through Wednesday. In some churches, revivals have become a short burst of life in an otherwise predictable series of routine services.

Young people are hungry for spiritual awakening, the reality of the gospel, but when they don’t find it they lose interest altogether. Some say revivals have died due to a lack of interest. I hope that is not true, for revival is what we need more than anything. We need to recapture our first love, turn back to the God of power and might, the God of love who changes lives and heals broken hearts.

But one question remains. Are we revivable? Are we? If so, then how does it happen? What should we do? First, we must understand that revival begins with us, as individuals. The greatest revivals began with one concerned person who went to their knees and prayed for God to bring revival as a sovereign act.

We have God’s promise in the Bible that says, “Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me.” (Psalms 138:7 KJV)

From this and other scriptures, we know that the heart of God is to draw us close to Him and to have pure Holy fellowship together. No matter what we have done, or how far we have strayed from Him, His loving arms are outstretched to His children. When our relationship is right, there is so much peace that floods our soul that we must ask ourselves, why? Why do we stray and allow ourselves to become cold and distant from God?

A cold, indifferent world of sin will drag us away if we let it, but is it ever worth it? No. A relationship with our Loving Father is priceless and should be our first priority. Yet we take Him for granted because He is always there.

It’s time we turn back to God, repent, and ask for revival, for our families, our Nation, and ourselves. Yet the question remains, are we revivable? The same question is asked in the Bible as the Psalmist wrote,

“Will You not revive us again, that Your people may rejoice in You?” (Psalms 85:6 KJV)

Yes, we are revivable! God will breathe new life into us when we ask. It’s His will to forgive us, bless us, and welcome us back to our first love. He is so wonderful and His grace is unfathomable. He will not only bring us back to where we were, but He will take us to new places in Him.

If we humble ourselves in the sight of the Lord He will lift us up.

“For thus says the High and Lofty One Who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy: “I dwell in the high and holy place, with him who has a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.”” (Isaiah 57:15 NKJV)

Pray for revival. History shows that God has sent revival to countries in times of national crisis, war and economic stress. His word describes how He will look throughout the earth for those whose heart is toward Him. And to those loyal to Him, He will prove Himself strong on their behalf, and will actually fight their battles.

The Bible is replete with examples and proof that He wants to bless His people because He cares about each one. So, since we are revivable, pray for revival as if it all depends on you. It very well may.

Copyright © Gene Markland. Used by permission.

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