The Power of Asking

As a father of four children, I have many rich memories of those amazing, early years. I remember Christmas mornings, birthday parties, backyard games … and countless lessons learned. Those lessons were not always intended for the kids. In fact, many of the lessons were meant for me! Looking back now, I recognize how many times God used those daily interactions as my personal learning opportunities.
For instance, I can remember shopping trips with my children. Many times they would bring me merchandise with bold requests. “Daddy, can I have this? I really need one of these!”
They were not bashful about asking. Often I would find myself at the checkout, paying for some random item simply because those kids were persistent in their asking.
My children gave me insight into an essential truth. They taught me the importance of asking. If there had been no request for a battery powered water gun, I certainly never would have bought one. Asking is essential. Too often, we assume our Heavenly Father will simply pour out answers to prayers we never actually prayed. God invites us to ask. His Word tells us in Philippians 4:6:
“…present your requests to God.” (NIV)
He is not bothered when we bring Him our requests. James 4:2 tells us:
“…you do not have because you do not ask.” (NIV)
Granted, I sometimes said “no” to these requests. Sometimes my children wanted things that weren’t good for them. It might have been too much candy or too many toys. Sometimes I had insight about a request they couldn’t yet appreciate. On some occasions, they even made requests for items I had already hidden in the “Christmas closet.” They had no idea there was an even better answer waiting for them just a few days away.
There are lessons here we can learn with regard to our Heavenly Father. Let me encourage you to be bold in your prayers ... and to trust in His grace. We serve a powerful God who loves us with an everlasting love. Embrace a childlike faith and run to your Father with those requests.
Remember Jesus’ promise in Matthew 7:7:
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” (NIV)
Whether you need a financial miracle, a physical healing, or wisdom for decisions, God invites you to ask. As you pray, watch for his supernatural intervention in your life. Trust in the wisdom of His goodness and grace.
Take heart, my friend. Jesus hasn’t changed. He promised He would never leave us or forsake us. You and I still have access to the miracle worker. Recognize this powerful truth and humble yourself in the presence of your King. Come boldly to the Father with your requests ... Ask!
Copyright © 2018 Tim Abel, used with permission.