The Warrior's Key to Peace
The warrior is in hiding. Pleading with God, he cries out for deliverance and admits his weakness. He is troubled and distraught. This is the scene we encounter as David begins Psalm 55. In his anguish, the battle-hardened man pursues God with earnestness, asking his Lord to listen. David proceeds to state he is living in terror, anguish, and fear. He is overwhelmed. The turmoil he finds himself in is due to violence, betrayal, and a family in ruins — and it has crushed David to the point of envying the birds of the air, who can fly away and flee to deserts and places of shelter.
Yet in the midst of his lament, he speaks light to the darkness in his own soul. David states he calls to God, morning, noon, and night. He reminds himself that God hears his cries of distress, saves him, and keeps him from harm. In this moment, David has benefitted so greatly from vocalizing his pain, heartbreak, and fear to the God he knows hears him, he concludes his Psalm by encouraging us centuries later to
Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you (Psalm 55:22 NIV).
In fact, the heart cry that began in terror, concludes with the declaration,
As for me, I trust in you (v.23).
There is power in expressing our pain, anxiety, and fear to our loving Lord. I’ve experienced this many times. On one occasion just a few years ago, one of my children was involved in a terrifying accident. Doctors gave grim reports. I was living in terror. I was distraught. Heartbroken.
However, like David in Psalm 55, I reminded myself I not only have a direct audience before God; He also loves me and my family. So, I cried out. Literally. I screamed. I voiced my deep pain and anguish — told Him I was terrified. I then experienced what David described in the psalm, as my soul was encouraged that as I cry out, no matter the time of day, the Father hears, cares, and sustains.
Emotionally exhausted, I felt my fear subside and give way to comfort and an infusion of faith. I am humbled to say my son made a full and complete recovery, thanks to doctors, my amazing wife and son, and the power of prayer. I moved forward understanding it is a life-changing experience to pour out my heart before the Lord. David knew this, and his reminder is spread throughout his psalms.
David was brave, a man of action, who surprises us with his vulnerability and fear in his writings. We too will have these moments of trouble in our soul. Voice your heart cry to God, knowing He hears and cares. In those moments, He will meet with you. And instead of desiring to flee like a bird, you also can rise from your knees and declare, “As for me, I trust in You.”
Scripture is quoted from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
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