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Devotionals on Holy spirit

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Devotionals on Holy spirit

In a world rife with deception, can we still hear God's voice? The resounding answer is "Yes!" Be guided by Psalm 34:8. Like David, who tasted God's...

The world would say that it's best to strive to become the smartest, hardest working, and most accomplished individual possible. So, when you become...

Join this author with your imagination to embrace the sacred beauty of nature. She sees it as a sort of church, a place where worship and praise...

Discover God's will through persistent prayer and reading His Word. When we align our prayers with His will, He hears and answers us. Through prayer...

In the book of Acts, we witness an extraordinary event that changed the lives of believers forever. God fulfilled His promise and poured out His Holy...

God has a divine plan for us, calling each of us to reach the nations, tribes, and tongues of the world. As His cherished children, He guides us to...

Prayer's such an important part of a Christian's life. Perhaps you'd like to know if you are doing it right or not. Does it matter if you pray...

Our God is an all-consuming fire: a consuming fire, a refiner's fire, a fire at the sacrificial altar, a fire in the wilderness leading the...

As we enter the Easter season rejoicing in the new life we’ve been given through the resurrection of Jesus, how can we forget the price He paid—by...

The promises of God are precious, and we count on Him to keep them. What promises have you made to Him?


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