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Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Holy spirit

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Devotionals on Holy spirit

God chooses us—plain, ordinary vessels—to reveal His glory and power to the world. But to live out our purpose as that vessel, we must yield to Him,...

Just as technology has evolved over time, so has our understanding and marvel of God's glory. Remember the days of VCRs, dial-up internet, or DVDs?...

Appreciate the majestic splendor of God's creation, where every sunrise speaks of His promises and His unwavering love. This author provides you with...

You’re probably familiar with Bible passages that mention fearing the Lord. What do you think that’s all about? Solomon, one of the wisest figures in...

Have you ever wondered why people can’t seem to agree on how to worship God? Why can’t we all just praise God however we feel led? How can people...

Our faith exists through more than just words; power is our instrument. The Gospel's power—the message of eternal life through Jesus Christ—has...

Envision an environment vibrant with foot-stomping and hand-clapping soul-filled worship, where the older women of the church fervently pray at the...

The Holy Land's healthy population of olive trees provides the background for this devotion's introspective look at their impressive significance in...

God is radiant light. Ponder those words for a moment. A shimmering light, casting out the darkness, full of a rainbow of colors. In God’s word, we...

Do you struggle with fear and anxiety tied to past painful experiences? It can be tough to face similar situations when those memories haunt you....


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