Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Holy spirit

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Devotionals on Holy spirit

What does it mean to be set apart for God?

Those filled with the Spirit of God can know the difference between the real and the false.

What a relief to know that your real identity can never be stolen.

We were in our Suburban enjoying the scenery. Suddenly, out of nowhere floodwaters began to rise all around us. It was rising quickly!

When you receive Jesus, the Word becomes flesh in you.

Do you have days where you wished someone would throw you a lifeline? The Holy Spirit has one with your name on it, just for the asking.

To worship in spirit and in truth is to worship the Father in the Holy Spirit with the salvation that Jesus provides.

By pouring out His Holy Spirit, God seals us, writes His law in our hearts, and gives us His down payment of the life to come.

The fact that our lives appear for a little while and then vanish doesn't have to be depressing.

Some of the drama in your life could actually be God saving you from a more dangerous situation down the road.


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