Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Holy spirit

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Devotionals on Holy spirit

It is fruitless to attempt living the Christian life without the resource of God's power.

When we hang on to judgment of another person, we bind that person to the very conditions we want to see changed.

Don't ever stop praying for your loved ones, no matter how bleak life appears.

How can we truly become people who live out Jesus' example of loving people unconditionally?

It is easy to avoid big sins, such as stealing or murder, but those little ones such as a bad attitude, jealousy, and unkindness are easy to...

Let the love of Jesus wash over you and empower you.

It is God Himself who longs for our spirit and His to be united together as one. Only then will we have the full capacity to see with unobstructed...

Regardless of age or how a person looks, God gifted everyone with the talents and ability to bear good fruit for as long as we live.

Recognize the opportunities to use God's power to influence our world.

Absolutely nothing is impossible for Christ, and we are one with Him! 


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