Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Holy spirit

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Devotionals on Holy spirit

We may never totally understand why siblings tend to have conflict but we can begin to see the Father's view of such relationships.

We all dream of an ideal job where we get paid for doing what we love and have fun, good colleagues, and a good salary. One that does not feel like a...

We are victorious because we are walking in the Spirit through God’s strength and ability.

God invites us to come to Him for His wisdom in difficult situations with others.

Look to the Holy Spirit who lives inside of you when times get rough.

A classic cartoon reveals new insights about the Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Can we have peace when a rising river takes everything away?

When Jesus speaks of living water, what or who is He talking about?

If we give God's Word a chance to germinate, it will do incredible things in our lives.

You choose the distance or closeness you will have with the Lord. He's as close as you want Him to be.


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