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Devotionals on Judging Others

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Devotionals on Judging Others

Make the effort to spend time with a friend in the midst of a busy life.

Just because we run into difficulties, does not mean that we need to become the judge and jury of a situation. We don't know everything. God does.

There are no levels of sin and all sin has the same effect — separation from God.

When large-scale trials hit, and everything we thought we knew is suddenly shaken, cynicism can slither into our hearts without our full awareness....

No one likes to hear about repentance. It means admitting guilt and doing things differently. But Jesus tells us to be quick to repent and turn to...

How we dress matters. But Christians are called to get beyond appearances and circumstances in determining how we treat people and how we value them...

Jesus wasn’t talking randomly. He wasn’t being rude in His criticism. He was making a point about how people inconsistently judge the things of God.

Many of us might consider a man facing execution a loser. But because of the life he led, this man was actually a winner!

It doesn’t matter what the next-door neighbor believes; God knows the intentions of our hearts. He alone is the judge; we are not. 

When we dwell on how others should and ought to be doing something, there is conflict. God has a solution for us.


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