Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Miracles

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Devotionals on Miracles

What we ingest spiritually matters to the health and development of our souls.

Throughout her rebellious years, two people never gave up on Sandy—her mother and Jesus.

Jesus doesn't want us to panic. Just have faith.

Even though the doctor's words should have brought devastation, Dave was filled with a quiet assurance.

Is our faith in the problem or in God?

At times you may feel insignificant in the big scheme of things. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Having to make the trip from New Zealand, I wasn’t sure I would make it home before my 96-year-old grandmother passed away.

I heard God’s voice in my heart ask me a four-word question that changed my life forever.

Father, Jesus, often the quest to fill my stomach is stronger than my desire for you. Please reverse my appetites, for you satisfy like no morsel of...

What demonstration of faith would cause Jesus to say, “I haven’t seen faith like this in all Israel”?


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