Displaying 225 - 240 of 554

Mary and her husband needed more income to support their six children, so she enrolled in a tailoring course. When she didn’t have enough money to...

Kevin and Donna were both single parents when they met and married. Kevin was buried in debt, but Donna shared with him the secret of tithing.

When a home for blind children in Kathmandu was shaken by the quake, the kids’ fear was unimaginable. CBN was there with relief, comfort and warm...

What happens when you can’t control your children? What can you do when your child gets the best of you?

Cartoons are a great way to spread the gospel! See how the animated series Superbook is impacting children in China.

Sergey and Tatiana and their 8 children lived in just two rooms—with no water, gas or electricity. They faced losing their kids, until you stepped in...

Kim and Nathan were hit with a one-two punch of financial stresses—the birth of their son, and the death of Kim’s mother. Nathan’s paycheck just wasn...

700 Club Interactive asks children to explain what Valentine’s Day means to them.

Gordon Teaches on How To Pray For Your Children

In Ukraine, Vera is raising her children in a rundown house without power and water and with little heat. On a good day, she makes $5. What became of...

Two young brothers were left to live on the teeming streets of Da Nang. After two days without food, they were picked up by a relative. But that didn...

Grandma was trying to raise her two grandchildren after her daughter died. But in her South African village, she was considered too old, even though...

The Watoto Children’s Choir is raising help and awareness of the plight for orphans in Africa.

Domingo and Irene had never considered adoption until God prompted them to do so. Now, 33 years later they have fostered 34 children and adopted 17,...

It was the only well within two miles—but the water smelled bad and tasted rotten. No wonder the kids were always sick. There was no simple solution...

There's a dump just outside Manila that's home to thousands of children. Along with their parents, they live and work there, barely scraping out an...


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