Displaying 209 - 224 of 554

After losing his sister and part of his brain in a car accident, a former young aspiring athlete discovers he is more than just another miracle

Sponsored by Orphan's Promise, Beijing's Agape Family Life House is a haven for children who suffer with a rare bone disorder.

Shelly and Hal White were told that Mya was unadoptable because she wouldn't live long enough to see out the adoption process. Along with the help of...

A parent’s nightmare is realized when a church van carrying their children is hit by a drunk driver. After several victims are flown to the hospital...

Eduardo and his brothers were left on their own when their parents abandoned them. Jobs were scarce, and to make things worse, a typhoon took away...

Aziza fled her home in Syria with her two children the night that ISIS attacked. Her husband Dahan went ahead of them to find refuge in Kurdistan....

Don’t know how to handle a situation? Overspiritualize it - Get’s them every time.

Believers enjoy conveying to other believers how Christian they truly are.

A young filmmaker goes to South Korea to make a film about abandoned babies, until he is himself adopted into God’s family.

A young filmmaker goes to South Korea to make a film about abandoned babies, until he is himself adopted into God’s family.

In his new book Planet Middle School, Dr. Kevin Leman explains how both you and your child can survive the turbulent years of their expanding...

Author and counselor David Thomas shows us how to be “intentional” parents.

Get the details on the social networking site created specifically for kids by a kid.

Take a look inside Barb’s home for angels.

The Widow’s Mite Experience was born out of a desire to help women and children have access to clean water in the U.S. and around the world, and...

A group of women encounter life’s challenges that come with family and age, but God gives us grace to help face these flaws everyday.


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