Temporary Insanity

What thoughts go through your mind when you hear the phrase "temporary insanity?" If you are like me, you will think of an episode of Law and Order where a defendant pleads not guilty due to being temporarily "not of sound mind." Whatever they did, they were not responsible in their mind. They acted out of an uncontrollable impulse.
As Christians, we have tasted God's mercy and goodness, and have experienced joy, peace, healing, and protection by a loving Savior. How is it, then, that we can have temporary insanity? How can we possibly go back to something far less than we now have?
Jeremiah 2:11 HCSB says, "... my people have exchanged their Glory for worthless idols."
How can sin, in the many forms it takes (lust, greed, pride, etc.), still have an occasional hold on the born-again, blood-bought life of a believer? After accepting Jesus as my Savior 25 years ago, you would think that I would know better.
I could use the apostle Paul as an excuse. In Romans 7:15 NIV he wrote,
"I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do."
Paul was referring to the sinful nature within us, which is constantly at war with our spirit. He later explains that the Holy Spirit can give us the power to live a godly life if we so desire. There goes that excuse.
James puts the matter to rest in James 1:14 NIV,
"...but each one is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed."
Our own will is a determining factor in whether or not we will glorify our Father in heaven or ourselves.
As the father of two teenagers, I really do want to be a godly example in their lives. It will take sacrifice and commitment. It will mean staying in the Word, praying, being a part of a local body of believers who share the same desire, fulfilling the ministries He has given me, and using the gifts God has given me.
No one ever said that being a Christian would be easy, but God promised that He would never leave us nor forsake us. He has always kept His Word and now it's time for me to keep mine.
Perhaps you will consider doing the same thing. God could use a mighty army of men and women moving out in the giftings and callings He has placed deep within us.
Copyright © 2011 Bob Noebel. Used by permission.
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