Gold, Myrrh, and Especially Frankincense
Here's some additional information for viewers and readers. Enjoy, merry Christmas!
I've been doing Star of Bethlehem stories for many years -- interesting history, astronomy, and Biblical insights. Last year's version is here.
Dr. Sunil Pai's Sanjevani Health Center is available here.
Dr. Pai prefers the boswellia product (as shown in the piece) from Avesta, a product with 85 percent boswellic acids and 5 percent AKBA.
Dr. Pai like to combine standardized boswellia with standardized turmeric. Now Foods has a combined product called Boswellin as well as other boswellia products, including a cream for arthritic conditions. They carry pure frankincense oil as well.
Some practitioners use the AKBA portion of the boswellic acids by itself, such as 5-Loxin from Life Extension. AKBA was not mentioned and 5-Loxin was not shown in the video version because of time constraints.
Shown in the story is the boswellia product from Himalaya Herbal Healthcare USA, a subsidiary of the Himalaya Drug Company of Bangalore, India. Though not a standardized boswellia product, the company has been in existence for over 70 years and notes that they use GMP, good manufacturing practices.