Hungry Cries in Cambodia
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10-year-old Srey Neat and her brothers and sisters were starving. She cried as she told us how her family has suffered since the outbreak of COVID-19 in Cambodia.
“We don’t have anything to eat. My daddy lost his job. I saw my sister crying because she was hungry. That made me cry too.”
After he lost his job, Srey Neat’s dad tried to earn a few dollars as a motorcycle taxi driver. His wife explained how difficult that has been.
“Everyone is staying home. Now he only makes a dollar a day. And we have 5 children!” she said choking back tears. “I felt so helpless not being able to feed them.”
Srey Neat tried to help any way she could.
“Sometime I went and found tiny crabs. Other times I collected wild berries,” she said. “But when I ate them they made me really sick. One time I had to go to the hospital for 3 days!”
We first met Srey Neat through a CBN Superbook Sunday School program in her village. During one class, Srey Neat prayed to become a Christian after watching the Superbook episode about Noah and the Ark. She then helped her entire family to become Christians too!
“I wanted my family to believe in Jesus so that we can all go to heaven together some day!” she told CBN. “I wanted them be safe like Noah’s family."
Operation Blessing also helped Srey Neat’s family and others in the church who were struggling with food shortages and even starvation during the COVID-19 shutdown. We delivered bags of rice and boxes filled with groceries to those in need. Srey Neat’s mom was grateful.
“Thank you for helping us in our time of need,” she said. “I am speechless! Now I am crying for joy!”
“Now my family has food to eat!” added Srey Neat. “Thank you to all the people who helped us!”