Kevin Sorbo discusses doing everything with "True Faith"
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True Faith
Kevin and Sam Sorbo have been married for 22 years.Their marriage, like most, has been filled with ups and downs. In their latest book,True Faith, they share the key ingredient in facing life battles: faith in Jesus Christ. Sam explains, “When you take on battles together, with faith, and you overcome them, you emerge stronger.” That’s why they believe you should embrace adversity, as uncomfortable as it is. Challenges are going to come regardless.
On Television and in film, Kevin has portrayed demi-gods and evil professors, while in his private life, he's battled his fair share of demons - the three strokes that left him nearly paralyzed and still partially blind. He credits his wife's "tough love" encouragement; nauseating, relentless optimism; and tireless, constant nagging for pulling him through some of the worst episodes in his recovery. Getting married to a fundamentally debilitated "Hercules" was something Sam never shied away from. In Kevin, she recognized the love of her life and determined to see him through thick and thin. The phrase goes, "for better or for worse," and Kevin often says, "She got the 'worse' part out of the way first!" Sam had confidence that Kevin would recover and thrive, and she put action to her faith. In their third year of married life, once doubt about Kevin's full recovery was laid aside, the near-newly-weds determined to build their family. That was going to be yet another trial for them to endure and conquer. Dealing with infertility and losing twins broke their hearts. They both credit their faith in God for pulling them through the tough times and laying the foundation for their joy. That is how they came to make movies as a team. Christ said, "In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world" (John 16:33). Throughout True Faith, the Sorbos personify this verse as they embrace the struggles they meet and use their faith to bolster their responses. Be uplifted and inspired as you join Sam and Kevin on a journey through trials and triumphs, a couple of faithful Christians who work together, learn together, grieve together, and live life as Christ advocates: abundantly (taken directly from
Miracle in East Texas
Inspired by one of the most improbably true stories ever, Miracle in East Texas is an entertaining tale of two aging con-men at the dawn of the Great Depression, and the biggest oil strike in the history of the world. Irving Tanner, Jr. (Lou Gossett, Jr.) recounts the 1930 legend. Times are hard when the unluckiest wildcatter in the world, Dad Everett (John Ratzenberger) teams up with Doc Boyd (Kevin Sorbo), a charming snake oil salesman. Together they convince several new widows (Sam Sorbo, Paula Boudreau, and others) to invest in their worthless oil wells. Then, the unthinkable happens, and our two Casanovas are faced with a challenge: declare another dry hole for a clean escape, or bring the well in like genuine oil men, and likely spend the rest of their lives in jail? Meanwhile, some of their investors are angry and fixing to do something about it. What happens next? Doc preaches, the Good Lord teaches, and a judge reaches a surprising conclusion. This mostly true story will make you laugh, shed a tear, and give you pride in the God-blessed American way. Miracle in East Texas has been making the rounds at film festivals, winning multiple awards, including Best Family Film in the Int’l Christian Film Festival.
Kevin grew up in a Christian home in Minnesota. His mother worked as a nurse and his father taught junior high school resulting in a down-to-earth upbringing that forged the outstanding work ethic Kevin holds to this day. When he was 13, he attended a Billy Graham crusade and responded to the altar call. “It was a very happy emotional night for me,” says Kevin. “And I always remembered.” In college, Kevin majored in business but secretly wanted to be an actor. He was covering tuition costs with modeling work. He soon dropped out of the university and started his acting career in the late 80s with his first appearances on Prime Time shows such as Murder She Wrote and The Commish. While filming Hercules in 1997, he met Sam Jenkins, the leading lady. In their first scene, she made Kevin so nervous that he couldn’t remember his lines.